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(open to residents and fellows from all medical specialties)

Two Awards will be given in the amount of $500 each + CAMP 2020 Registration  

The Canadian Anatomic & Molecular Pathology Conference is happy to announce the CAMP Resident Awards. The CAMP Executive Committee will be giving out two awards for pathology residents: free CAMP 2020 registration + $500 CDN.

To apply for this award please submit case presentation following the guidelines below:

What: Case presentation highlighting the use of molecular testing as an ancillary tool for Pathologists

Format: Each case should include: Clinical and radiological findings/Pathology findings including ancillary tests (IHC, FISH, Flow Cytometry, molecular testing)

Title: Teaching question

Teaching point: Shortly describe that the teaching point of your case is and its practical application

Cases don’t need to be exclusive, rare, or to use the newest technology in order to win. The scope of these cases is to TEACH, to outline important aspects of molecular testing (for diagnosis or treatment) and its integration into the regular workflow and standard of care practice of pathology. They can also be cases TEACHING important aspects of pathologic interpretation and/or reporting that are important to be understood by clinicians.   The use of special techniques in presentation of the cases (i.e. video microscopy tutorials, etc) would be a plus.

Deadline for submission: January 5, 2020

CAMP Executive Committee will review the submissions and the awardees will be announced by January 10, 2020

Winners will have a chance to present their case at CAMP2020

We look forward to receiving your submission. Good luck!